Myrobalan Tree (further indications)
(Terminalia chebula, Phyllanthus emblica, and Terminalia belerica) are the elixirs of long life. These three fruits eliminate eye diseases and benefit the eyes, and cure such diseases as wound discharge, skin troubles, bleeding of wounds, adipose disorders, pain in the passage of urine, as well as overabundance of phlegm and blood. Among the three Terminalia chebula seems to be especially potent. The taste of T. chebula is astringent. As you chew the fruit (rather like an unripe plum) it gives a very sour taste - but has an immediate and remarkable effect on the mind and awareness (ANH). It leaves a sweet taste upon digestion. It has a slightly dry taste. It has no salty taste. It is light. It is very heat producing, helps digest food, makes the mind attentive, and brings about a hearty old age in the finest sense. It has the power to cleanse internally with great warmth. It grants long life and keenness of thought. The eye and the other senses become clear. It overcomes leprosy, discoloration of countenance and bodily appearance.
The Myrobalan Tree is described: green, beautiful, heart-gladdening and strength-bestowing, with branches, leaves and fruits; its fragrance spreads to infinite distances and its brightness illumines the earth and sky.
Ayurvedic "Triphala"
A traditional Ayurvedic formula, Triphala, combines the three most revered herbs of India into an historic, Ayurvedic herbal combination.
1. Emblica officinalis, also known as Amla, is a yellowish-green fruit about the size of a plum, with a somewhat sour taste like a lemon. High in Vitamin C, Amla offers tremendous health-promoting benefits.
2.The second ingredient is Terminalia belerica, also known as Behada. A small,
rough-texture fruit, it is about the size of a walnut. Behada is a potent herb known for a variety of health harmonizing qualities.
3. The third ingredient is Terminalia chebula, sometimes referred to as Harada. It is a small round fruit, brownish in color, historically used as a rejuvenator helping to normalize the general balance of the body.
Myrobalan, Symbol of the Greatest Herb
Myrobalan is a symbol of "the creative power of thought, which in high levels of meditative praxis can materialise the unseen worlds in the manner of the myrobalan berry concretised upon the palm of the hand." Thus this sublime fruit is not just a medicine, but in its materialisation by the will of the Buddha upon his hand, it represents blessings from unseen realms, like the healing energy radiating upon devotees in their worship. Nagavrksa means literally "snake tree" and is often used to refer to a general type of tree with golden bark. Perhaps this has healing significance.
The 5 Principal Medicines for Use by Monks
1. Ghee - from cows or she-goats or buffaloes (clarified butter).
2. Fresh butter - from cows etc.
3. Oil - sesame oil, mustard seed, oil containing honey, castor oil, oil from tallow.
4. Honey - from bees.
(Terminalia chebula, Phyllanthus emblica, and Terminalia belerica) are the elixirs of long life. These three fruits eliminate eye diseases and benefit the eyes, and cure such diseases as wound discharge, skin troubles, bleeding of wounds, adipose disorders, pain in the passage of urine, as well as overabundance of phlegm and blood. Among the three Terminalia chebula seems to be especially potent. The taste of T. chebula is astringent. As you chew the fruit (rather like an unripe plum) it gives a very sour taste - but has an immediate and remarkable effect on the mind and awareness (ANH). It leaves a sweet taste upon digestion. It has a slightly dry taste. It has no salty taste. It is light. It is very heat producing, helps digest food, makes the mind attentive, and brings about a hearty old age in the finest sense. It has the power to cleanse internally with great warmth. It grants long life and keenness of thought. The eye and the other senses become clear. It overcomes leprosy, discoloration of countenance and bodily appearance.
The Myrobalan Tree is described: green, beautiful, heart-gladdening and strength-bestowing, with branches, leaves and fruits; its fragrance spreads to infinite distances and its brightness illumines the earth and sky.
Ayurvedic "Triphala"
A traditional Ayurvedic formula, Triphala, combines the three most revered herbs of India into an historic, Ayurvedic herbal combination.
1. Emblica officinalis, also known as Amla, is a yellowish-green fruit about the size of a plum, with a somewhat sour taste like a lemon. High in Vitamin C, Amla offers tremendous health-promoting benefits.
2.The second ingredient is Terminalia belerica, also known as Behada. A small,
rough-texture fruit, it is about the size of a walnut. Behada is a potent herb known for a variety of health harmonizing qualities.
3. The third ingredient is Terminalia chebula, sometimes referred to as Harada. It is a small round fruit, brownish in color, historically used as a rejuvenator helping to normalize the general balance of the body.
Myrobalan, Symbol of the Greatest Herb
Myrobalan is a symbol of "the creative power of thought, which in high levels of meditative praxis can materialise the unseen worlds in the manner of the myrobalan berry concretised upon the palm of the hand." Thus this sublime fruit is not just a medicine, but in its materialisation by the will of the Buddha upon his hand, it represents blessings from unseen realms, like the healing energy radiating upon devotees in their worship. Nagavrksa means literally "snake tree" and is often used to refer to a general type of tree with golden bark. Perhaps this has healing significance.
The 5 Principal Medicines for Use by Monks
1. Ghee - from cows or she-goats or buffaloes (clarified butter).
2. Fresh butter - from cows etc.
3. Oil - sesame oil, mustard seed, oil containing honey, castor oil, oil from tallow.
4. Honey - from bees.
6. Molasses - from sugar cane. The Great Detoxification
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