A banyan tree, native to India and part of the mulberry family is the enormous tree with many uses and a vast special for everybody in history of India. Young plants put forth roots, which form secondary trunks to support the expansive limbs. These trunks send out more roots until they crowd out the host tree
The leave of banyan tree is large and smooth used as an animal fodder, the tree history is very ancient and immortal. Banyan produces figs which are popular with birds and monkeys, and also give the sweet shadow. Older trees can reach more than 200 meters in diameter, with a height of 30 meters.
People are planted near temple, village, river valley and roadside especially for sweet shadow. Every kind or birds and animal like shadow of the banyan. In most village and social place the tree provide a meeting place for community. People gather in the shade of the banyan tree to relax, discuss issues, and make decisions. The tree is also the main place of children for games. Who rested under the trees to discuss their strategies? Banyan trees have a variety of uses. They produce a special type of rubber, and their sticky milk is used in gardening. In the Nepal region, the milky sap is used for polishing copper and brass, wood and bark of the banyan tree are suitable for making paper, and the roots are often used to make ropes to secure wood bundles. The women in Nepal crush the root of the banyan tree with a paste to create a hair and skin conditioner. The banyan trees are also used to produce shellac, which is widely used as an adhesive and surface-finisher in the industrial world.
The tree is use full for human generation in any condition because tree is also used for medicinal purpose. The sap treats external skin inflammations and bruising. The bark and seeds are used as a tonic to cool the body, as well as to treat patients with diabetes. The roots and sap are used to treat skin, dysentery, and toothaches. Twigs of the banyan tree are sold as toothpicks in India and other country to remote dental health.
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