The real meaning of the education is to bring out ener qualities men to enable to allow the flowering of door mint hidden Virtue there full glories. But today education is general understood give unstructured moral social instruction. Normally it is understood as formal education that given in school collage. Unfortunately, education as imparted today, touches only the intellectual aspect such as ability to repeat what has been read. There is no correlation of knowledge so gained with living.
But when we read in newspaper the crime reports, we find that time is showing more clearly and with greater urgency that the possession of the knowledge is not indisputable blessing. Knowledge is power and power corrupts the mind.
The fact remains that the expansion of knowledge and its transfer to huge number of person are unstoppable. Today knowledge is not being handed out to the few in small stage through process of communication its is passed on to large number of people in in assimilable quantities and in an integrated and even mind disturbing fashion. the most important part of it all is the fact that those at the that those at the helm of affairs in the field of education do not worry to take into consideration a very important conclusion arrived at in a survey of intelligence quotient the people with low intelligence quotient, when highly educated become tyrant and are prone to commit the most brutal atrocities. How to meet this challenge of education is question, which our young men and women
Have to answers. They are our future rulers , so they must try, right from now, to find ways and means how to control abuse being practiced in the realm of the education and also to make sure if the extension of knowledge is desirable or not.